Free to download materials to support your facilitation
There are four elements to the Living with the climate crisis materials. Click on the titles in order to download them.
Facilitator’s guide (124pp, pdf) contains detailed discussion of climate psychology, distress and grief, guidance on groupwork and experiential learning, background to the approaches and methods used in the sessions and detailed guidance on facilitating each session.
Participant’s handbook (24pp, pdf), a guide for participants of their journey through the sessions. Contains reminders of the content of each session and of the instructions for some of the activities. Copies can be printed out for participants, or they can be signposted to the online link.
Living lightly (52pp, pdf), a psychologically based guide to carbon reduction at home, in the workplace and the community. This is designed to be distributed to participants half way through the sessions (online or as print copy) and used by them outside the meetings.
PowerPoint slides (30 slides) These summarise some of the information and instructions that may be needed by participants during the sessions and can be used as prompts if you wish. Their use is optional.